Core Bits, Drill Bit Size: 102mm, Overall Length: 365mm


●Type: Core Bits
●Drill Bit Size: 102-200mm
●Overall Length: 365mm
●Size: (Drill Bit Size) x (Overall Length)

Core Bits102 x 365: $33.29

108 x 365: $33.99

112 x 365: $38.69

120 x 365: $41.19

127 x 365: $43.29

132 x 365: $45.29

152 x 365: $50.09

159 x 365: $54.19

162 x 365: $57.79

168 x 365: $57.79

180 x 365: $59.79

200 x 365: $67.49

PURROS Machinery is widely recognized for industrial automated products, our full line of products are including: Auto Feed Drill Machine, Servo Feed Drill Machine, Servo Tapping Machine, Hydro Speed Regulators, Roller Burnishing Tools, Multi Spindle Heads, Special Purpose Machines (SPM), and more.