Can cause most of the girls screaming creatures in the world is what? Yes that’s a cockroach. But you can’t dismiss the disgusting bugs, but they have great scientific value. Human once out of the half mechanical transformation of the cockroach, also used a cockroach power, even produced the bigger cockroach species. The nano biological implanted with computer experiments, the researchers also used the cockroaches do experiments ( Why always me? ) , because these insects are excellent test object. So these nanobots cockroach suddenly into the DNA, become crawling robot can breathe.
If you ignore the cockroach disgusting ontology, this concept is very cool: this is the first time that will be operating in nano computer in organisms. The cockroaches are not in the traditional sense of the computer, on the contrary, they are fold after DNA strands, able to interact with nano computer environment, and make a difference. So what is the meaning of this research? Researchers can answer will be the future according to the release of carry information, select targeted drug to treat a particular disease from different parts of the body.
When activate specific DNA sequences, the computer will start to work. Activation there are many ways of, for example, you can use DNA to write “the if – then” statement. A lot of structure make it possible for more complicated calculation, but the cockroach implanted DNA nanobots is only equivalent to an old eight Commodore 64.
Scientists are still trying to make nanobots fluoresce, so that the study of robot cockroach. As a result, the researchers can always know the location of the nanobots, to judge their mobile, communication, and effective treatment. Although these nanobots computing power is still relatively weak, but the researchers believe that within the next five years to them can be more intelligent, more durable, and eventually make these nanobots can enter the body of mammals.