Abstract: Combination machine adopts different processing modes, can guarantee the quality of products, operator in the use of equipment, to grasp the specific methods of operation equipment.
Combination machine tools in the process of production, adopt different processing method, as is often the case, the device can be used for processing box or special shape parts, can guarantee the quality of products. When using the equipment, the operator must be able to master the specific operation method of equipment.
First, before the use of modular machine tool, the operator must be able to have certain knowledge of what is a modular machine tool, when really understand the purpose and structure of the device, in the later use, Will be able to maximize the value of the device played out, for the production of services. Combination machine tool is based on common components; its production efficiency is very high, several times higher than other general machine tool production efficiency.
Second, in the process of using a combination of machine tool, when machining parts, workpieces are generally not spinning, operators need to be aware of is the rotation of the cutting tool movement, and the relative feed movement between the tool and the workpiece. At the same time, in production, should pay attention to a number of processing needed parts. Structure and process are very similar to those of the parts can be placed on the same device for processing. Thus improve the utilization rate of the machine tool.
Then, after using the machine tool, to timely maintenance of equipment Proper maintenance can prolong the service life of equipment; can also corresponding preparation for the next production.